Need of Hour – Managed Mobility over Conventional Transport models

August 17, 2021by adminsachin0

We are living in a world where everything is changing fast right from our personal lives, family life to professional over last few months, due to Pandemic. For most employees in India remote work has become the new work-life routine. During the course of 2020 they adjusted their lives, routines and schedules to these new work requirements, but now with the vaccine roll-out and inoculations going on, offices are re-opening with a slow pace.

Return to offices (RTO) is going to be another major task this year for businesses, after marshalling their resources to deal with the pandemic last year.  Pharma, IT, ITeS and the BPO sectors are returning to offices at a faster when compared to pureplay software companies.  A survey conducted by Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association (HYSEA) revealed its findings related to RTO, it said, RTO will peak towards the end to 2021 and will never be 100%.

As per various studies below will be the Industry wise future trend of RTO (return to office) in a gradual manner in India.

  • One third of IT Firms want to get employees back to office this year, 41% plan in year 2022, 25% on wait and watch. Currently companies like Infosys, Wipro and TCS still just have about 5-8% of their total workforce working from offices.
  • BPM companies such as WNS, Starttrek and others have begun the process of revamping offices and internal processes to ensure 70% of their staff can work from offices in the near future

Transportation being the 3rd largest spend after salaries and real estate costs for most of the Industries, this change will also require proper planning and right execution in order to ensure the per person costs does not shoot up and there is no threat to safety and security of employees.  Besides costs and safety threats of employees, there are other important factors which employers may like to consider while planning their RTO.

  1. Due to lower occupancy levels, there will be major hit on the cost of travel for employers
  2. The overall volumes are expected to come down by 25-30%
  3. Some of regional suppliers may not have left with the desired bandwidth to support
  4. From safety aspect, expectations from the employees shall be much more from the service not just restricted to providing a vehicle
  5. Resistance from employees to return
  6. Technology will continue to play a major role since this will require intelligent routing and planning
  7. Adherence of Covid guidelines from authorities
  8. Global mandates from leadership to take precautions
  9. Strict process and policy around vehicles and drivers meeting Covid guidelines
  10. Change in SOPs, Transport Policy and successful implementation

Keeping in mind the above, the RTO would require much more planning and deliberations which was not the case earlier.  Both the teams client and service providers will be required to work in a cohesive manner to drive this change in the organization and absence of the same may result in smooth return to office.

ConsultTrans- healthy combination of observers, consultants and execution experts

Achieve more, enjoy more, and experience more at work with a solution that’s great for your employees, guests, and bottom line.

Return to office plans are underway as states reopen. But after more than a year of remote working, employees may feel hesitant to resume rush-hour commuters, take public transportation, move between satellite offices, and more.

CT can help you and your employees adapt to the new ways of working today, tomorrow, and in the future. Whether your employees are going to the office, to a client meeting, or away on business travel, we have stress-free ways to get them there.

Recently, Consulttrans Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has come out with a detailed RTO plan keeping in mind the restrictions and expected RTO requirements specific to each Industry.

Also, in the given scenario, operations is likely to be more dynamic going forward, this has given rise to professional players like ConsultTrans to work on overall solutioning making best use of technology and their experience of over 3 decades to manage this service on a new Managed Mobility model termed as MMP (Managed Mobility Program)

Save time and effort with efficiently designed employee rides program

  • MMP Managed Mobility program ETS : Consolidate on single engagement and Contribute toward commute costs with a customizable commute program. Use it for early-morning, last-mile, and late-night trips.
  • MMP Managed Mobility Program – Business travel: Consolidation to ensure standardization of services across all geographies From airport runs to cross-town business travel, employees can find access to ground on single platform.
  • Shuttle services: Alternatively, clients may opt for shuttle services from metro stations or pick up zones in city with SLA based service and a reliable service partner.
  • Improve your guests’ experience: Request rides for others to help them keep moving around town for entire itinerary.
  • RTO Planning : Consult CT experts to plan your return to office through its consulting and advisory offerings.

Get in touch with CT Team of experts today.  To stay updated with the latest trends and news from the Transport Industry, subscribe today

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